Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for the year 2024

Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for the year 2024

Erasmus is the largest scholarship program in Europe, fully funded by the European Commission. This program enables individuals from around the globe to travel to Europe and engage in Master’s Degree programs. During your time in the Erasmus program, you will spend each semester studying at various universities around Europe. Students from any location worldwide are encouraged to participate. This post is intended for individuals who are planning to apply for the Erasmus program.

The Erasmus Mundus scholarship application period commences in October and concludes in March. During this period, you must select your course and field of study from the Erasmus Course Catalogue. There are no strict prerequisites. Below are the guidelines for the Erasmus Scholarship 2024.

Preparation and Guidelines for the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship

Erasmus has chosen 2835 students from over 143 countries for the Academic Year 2023. The application process for the academic year 2024 will commence in October 2024.

Below is an Erasmus chart displaying the quantity of applicants and the corresponding number of countries.

Important Considerations

  • Application: Commences in October.
  • Application deadline: March
  • Academic Level: Master’s
  • Timeframe: 1 to 2 academic years
  • Advantages: The program covers all expenses, including airfare, meals, accommodation, healthcare, books, allowance, and tuition.
  • This scholarship offers the opportunity to study in three European nations at three different universities, resulting in the attainment of a dual degree from two European universities.
  • There are no limitations on returning to the country, and you are free to commence employment in Europe after finishing your study.

What are the prerequisites for participating in the Erasmus program?

  • Successful completion of either the IELTS or TOEFL test is mandatory.
    Individuals who have completed a minimum of 16 years of education are eligible to apply for it.

Full Guide

  • If you are seeking employment in Europe after completing your studies, it is advisable to apply as an Erasmus participant, as they are given preferential treatment over other applicants. In addition, there are other professional activities available for students to engage in during their academic pursuits.
  • You will be required to reside in a minimum of two European countries for the duration of your semester.
  • The maximum number of programs you can apply for from the EMJMD Catalogue is 3. If you submit more than 3 applications, all of your prior applications will be rejected. Exercise caution.
  • Typically, a score of 6.5 in the IELTS exam is sufficient for the Erasmus program.
  • Obtain your passport immediately. A Passport is required as a form of Identity Document for the application.

What is the application process?

Discover the online European Master’s in Joint Degree (EMJMD) Catalogue. You have the option to choose and submit applications for a maximum of three programs.

Explore the Erasmus Course Catalogue

Every program possesses its individual website. Discover and investigate it, locate the qualifying criteria, necessary paperwork, and other essential details, and proceed with the application accordingly.

Essential Documentation

Each program has distinct criteria.

  • Academic Credentials and Academic Record Letters of Endorsement
  • Letter of Motivation.
  • Requesting IELTS/TOEFL scores and a CV in Europass format.
  • Passport
  • Include any other document, accomplishment, accolade, or certification that you deem significant.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters


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